Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions taken from Dead Happy site below. To view them in situ, click here:
Plan Outline
Version 5.0 | Last Updated 22 April 2021
At DeadHappy we're trying to change attitudes to death. We’re building products and services to meet consumer needs rather than persist industry wants.
We don’t use words like policies, premiums, cover, and terms. We prefer plans, prices, and payouts. Stuff that makes sense and helps you understand what you’re agreeing to when you take out a plan with us.
All the details are set in the nitty-gritty below. By signing up to a DeadHappy plan, you are agreeing to these nits and grits. We’ve broken it down for you:
The Summary
All the information the Financial Conduct Authority tells us we need to tell you. This is just a summary, not everything you need to know.
The Other Stuff
Everything else you need to know before you subscribe to a plan.
If you‘ve got any questions on any of this let’s have a conversation, click on the live chat button on our website or email us at help@deadhappy.com.
The Summary
When nothing matters, what matters? Get the mortgage paid off, clear your debts, pay for someone’s education, or get a big bronze statue made (of you) for the garden.
Our plans are designed to help people who want to protect against the impact of death or getting an illness that has a big impact on their life.
Full details can be found in the Plan Rules which will form the basis of our contract with you.
Plans are provided by DeadHappy Ltd and underwritten by Covea Life Limited.
What's the deal?
You can choose to take out just a life plan or a life plan combined with a near death plan. Whichever you choose, you can’t change your mind once your plan is in place.
If you have a life plan with us and:
If you have a life and a near-death plan with us and:
you get a really nasty illness - we will pay half of your payout to you
you die and you have already had half of your payout - we’ll pay the other half of your payout to the legal beneficiary, and your plan will end
you die and you haven’t already claimed for a really nasty illness - we will pay the whole of your payout to your legal representative, and your plan will end
When won't we payout?
Life Insurance
We won’t payout on life insurance if:
you’re still alive (even if you try to fake your own death).
your death is caused by suicide (this includes all deaths caused by intentional self-inflicted injury). We'll review this every year as part of your annual refresh.
you die whilst on active military duty (including reserve/voluntary services).
you die doing something on the DeadHappy.com list of Extremely Dangerous Things (the details are further down).
you didn’t give honest answers to the questions we asked when you took out the policy.
you lie, give us the wrong information or withhold information from us at any time.
Near Death Insurance
you get one of the Really Nasty Illnesses which doesn’t meet the definitions we’ve set in these rules.
you get a second Really Nasty Illness (we’ll only pay out once).
you didn’t give honest answers to the questions we asked when you took out the policy.
you lie, give us the wrong information or withhold information from us at anytime.
Our plans have no cash value and we won’t pay out if you reach the end of the plan without making a claim. If you stop paying, your plan will end 30 days after the last payment.
How much does it cost?
The cost of a plan varies as it's based on the payout amount you set, your age and your answers to our questions.
As the price is based on your age, the price is likely to change once a year at the plan anniversary date.
All of our plans are monthly pay-as-you-go.
If you have a life and a near-death plan with us and you claim for a really nasty illness, your price will be recalculated to reflect this.
How old do you have to be?
You need to be between 18 and 60 to subscribe to one of our plans. As the maximum age is 70, you will not be able to extend your plan after the age of 60.
The Really Nasty Illnesses
Stage 2 Cancer
Cancer that has progressed to at least prognostic stage 2 or equivalent on TNM classification. (We will not pay for benign tumours and skin cancers, except for melanoma that has spread beyond the skin.)
Serious Heart Attack
A heart attack which leads to a permanent reduction in your heart’s effectiveness. (Measured by an ejection fraction of 45% or below at least one month after the attack).
Serious Stroke
A stroke which leaves you with permanent disability or impairment to your nervous system. (Measured as a level 2 or above on the Modified Rankin Scale at least one month after the stroke).
Multiple Sclerosis
MS which results in persisting clinical impairment of motor or sensory function. (Supported by findings of objective evidence on MRI).
All of these really nasty illnesses must be diagnosed definitively by a medical consultant who specialises in that particular condition (e.g. a consultant cardiologist for heart attack etc.)
The DeadHappy List of Extremely Dangerous Things
Specifically up mountains, cliff-faces, rocks, and big buildings. Beds are not a problem, bunk-beds are the ones to watch.
From anything you don’t own, buildings, antennas, span (bridges), and earth (cliffs). It’s pretty base-ic. See what we did there?
What is the maximum payout?
The maximum payout is £350,000. The maximum payout for Near Death is £175,000.
How long does the plan last?
Your plan lasts initially for 10 years. Every year, we will give you the option of refreshing the 10 year lifeline, subject to a few health and lifestyle questions.
Does it matter where you live?
You need to be a legal resident of the UK when you subscribe to one of our plans.
Can you cancel your plan?
Yes you can. At any time. There are no fees or penalties. Just log in to your account at deadhappy.com to cancel.
If you cancel your plan within the first 30 days, then it will end immediately and a full refund will be made.
If you cancel after the first 30 days, your plan will end at the next billing date and no further payments will be taken.
If you have a problem?
Yo, we’ll solve it.
Please email us at help@deadhappy.com and we'll do our best.
If you're still not happy, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (your legal rights are not affected). For more details you can visit their website at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.
Or alternatively, you can use the Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR) by visiting the page https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. However this service will refer your complaint onto the Financial Ombudsman Service, so you may wish to contact them directly.
What other legal protection do you have?
Your plan is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations under the deal. For more information visit www.fscs.org.uk or call 0800 678 1100.
Who can make a claim and How do they do it?
Anyone can start the claims process by either emailing us at help@deadhappy.com or calling us on 0116 350 0134.
We’ll ask them for your name, DOB and address; who they are and their relationship to you. Our claims team will let them know if we need anything else.
If you get a really nasty illness and you’ve got our optional near-death insurance then one of your friends or family can start the process, or you can do it yourself if you’re well enough.
The Other Stuff
Who does what?
Whenever we say ‘We’. ‘Us’, or ‘Our’ we mean the combination of DeadHappy and Covéa Life Limited.
DeadHappy Ltd is the intermediary. DeadHappy will set up and manage your plan, take payments, issue your documents, and deal with any queries you might have.
Covéa Life Limited is the insurer. Covéa Life Limited will underwrite your insurance and administer any claims.
When we say ‘You’ or ‘Your’ we mean the owner of the plan.
When we say UK we mean England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
Who are we?
DeadHappy is an insurance intermediary whose permitted business is providing & arranging insurance contracts.
DeadHappy is a trading name of Dead Happy Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (no. 788583). Registered Office: Unit 1, Creative Mill, 64 Mansfield Street, Leicester, England LE1 3DL number 628324.
You can check this information and obtain further information about how the Financial Conduct Authority protects you by visiting their website: www.fca.org.uk/register.
Your insurance plan is underwritten by Covea Life Limited, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority (no.202178). Registered Office: Norman Place, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8DA. Registered in England and Wales Number 00911235.
You can contact us by emailing help@deadhappy.com or clicking the live chat button on our website.
What we don't do
We won’t give you any recommendation or advice (we can’t; we’re not legally allowed to). But we will give you all the information you need to make a decision about whether or not our plans are suitable for your needs.
What fees do we charge?
None. We’ll arrange your plan with the insurer on your behalf and you don’t pay us a fee for doing this. Instead, the insurer pays us a commission for setting up the plan.
Will your payout be taxed?
Your payout is usually free of all UK income tax and capital gains tax.
If you die, your payout might be subject to inheritance tax, depending on the total value of your estate. For more info on this see www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax.
How do you make a change to your plan?
Changes to your account details (e.g. payment details, email address) can be made by logging into your account at deadhappy.com.
For any other changes (e.g. smoking status, payout amount, deathwishes) please email us at help@deadhappy.com.
Where does the payout go if you die?
If you have a will, then your payout will go to the executors/(s) who will distribute it as specified in your will.
If there is no will, then intestacy laws apply, and the payout goes to the administrator who will distribute according to the law. For more info on intestacy see https://www.gov.uk/inherits-someone-dies-without-will.
If you have created some deathwishes alongside your plan then the details of these will be given to whoever receives the payout as guidance on how you wanted the payout to be used (similar to an ‘expression of wishes’).
What information do we need to pay a claim?
Firstly, we’ll need to know your personal details (name, DOB, address) to access your account and check your plan is active.
If you die, we’ll also need to know the details of your death, and the death certificate.
If you get a really nasty illness and you’ve got our near-death insurance then we’ll need to see evidence that shows your illness meets our definitions.
We may also need to see full medical records to check that you didn’t lie about your health
Legal Stuff
The Laws of England and Wales apply
How do you know you can trust DeadHappy with your data?
You can read about what data DeadHappy will collect from and about you, and how that is used, stored and shared in the DeadHappy.com privacy policy, available at deadhappy.com.
How do you know you can trust Covéa Life Limited with your data?
By signing up to a Dead Happy plan, your data will also be used by Covéa Life Limited. How they will use your data can be found at www.coveainsurance.co.uk/dataprotection.
DeadHappy is a trading name of Dead Happy Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (no.788583). Registered Office: Unit 1, Creative Mill, 64 Mansfield Street, Leicester, England LE1 3DL Number 628324.
Covéa Life Limited, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority (no.202178). Registered Office: Norman Place, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8DA. Registered in England and Wales Number 00911235.